Islamic Republic of $IRUG

Salam Habibi! Ayatollah Khamenei has come to the Solana blockchain to offer you his finest, handcrafted Persian rug.

Since our great republic of Iran has become so famous for dumping the whole crypto space overnight, we will soon have the country renamed to $IRUG to reflect and support those current developments.

Though Iraq has stated that they will declare war upon that name change, we dgaf (mashallah). Still got a couple of explosive tricks up my labbaadeh.

Buy now, infidel, or our Irugian drone and missile squad will strike your portfolio down in your sleep. Also, we will also nuke NYC if this doesn't make it to Raydium within 24 hours.

$IRUG Tokenomics:

liquidity nuked after Raydium launch

1 billion $IRUG total supply

100% halal

ca: Gv44Skdyw89MqC5mZ9PKRk2ucMMKdo5y4dkGYWUf8kcx